Lilith Bay
trauma training and business skills for SWers interested in erotic healing
March 14 - 18, 2022, 10 AM - 4 PM
W̱SÁNEĆ & Lekwungen Territories // Victoria, BC // $475*
*sliding scale options available
Offered in 2018, Mehdi and I are thrilled to come back with this expanded and developed offering. It has been such an immense gift to participate in erotic labour in this lifetime. The information and skillsets I have gleaned from Surrogate Partner Therapy training and Somatic Sex Education have offered me new and abundant and authentic ways in which I can work intimately with people. It is my wish that any SWer who wants to keep working intimately with other bodies can do so in a way that deeply honours and support their own alignment and joy. - Casia
“Trust is the foundation of intimacy.” - bell hooks
Trauma Training
There is a fundamental necessity for those who choose to adopt this approach in their profession to heal their own personal trauma. This is necessary in order for the practitioner to stay objective and in mastery of the method. Through this initial workshop we answer three questions:
How does trauma change us? How can pleasure heal trauma?How can sex work become the logical solution to trauma?
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Basics of Trauma
Window of Tolerance
Social engagement; “I am not alone”
Trauma in the body; physiology
Stress Response Cycle
Wheel of Consent
Building boundaries and communication skills
Asking for what you want
The power of the Joyous No and the Authentic Thank You
Ferocious Self-Love
Self Regulation; Grounding in pleasure, Grounding in body, Grounding in community, Grounding in spirit
Building a personal tool box for self-regulation; use of sound, movement, touch, breath, imagination
Psychoeducation of the effect of trauma on pleasure
Developing ‘home’ in the body
Self-defence techniques to increase body awareness and confidence
Practice of conscious trance states
Creating ritualized spaces
Active & exquisite listening
Business Skills
How to navigate marketing and advertising yourself as an erotic healer
How to combine trauma awareness with professional offerings (“what is in the greatest benefit to your client?”)
What can you authentically offer within your own body
Creating “containers” (what are the agreements of our working relationship)
Creating session arcs and fostering client retention, commitment, and relationship
3 Practice sessions
Client assessments
What isn’t in alignment for this person, where do they want to be instead, what is the road map to getting there, and how can you effectively offer it
Genital mapping demo

“A thoughtfully designed deep dive into how leveraging pleasure and working with the nervous system can bring about lasting healing, growth and transformation in clients.” – Victoria BC Sex Worker
“Whether you’re a sex worker or not, this training is extremely valuable, eye opening and powerful.” – Victoria BC Sex Worker
“I started this weekend with an open heart & mind. They are both now full. Thank you to all the effort that went into this. The knowledge & skills I have gained here I will carry with me forever.” – Victoria BC Sex Worker
“I learned a lot about myself and hope that I can use this self-awareness to improve my own life as well as creating a better experience for my clients.” – Victoria BC Sex Worker
“This training has given me tools I didn’t know existed and I am so excited to bring them into my work.” – Victoria BC Sex Worker
“I was surprised by how much joy and inspiration I felt as a result of this training. We dive deep into painful, personal topics, but we have pleasure and love as those stars to follow through the dark of trauma.” – Victoria BC Sex Worker
Meet the Team
Casia Sobolewski
Mehdi Darvish Yahya